发布时间 :2015-11-10  阅读次数 :2784

报告题目:How to write a scientific paper with impact

报告时间:11月11日(星期三) 09:00


报  告 人:Prof. Steven Smith,Professor of Plant Genetics and Biochemistry

School of Biological Sciences,University of Tasmania

联  系 人:张大兵 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


报告人信息:Steve Smith was raised in the UK and has degrees from the UK and USA. He conducted postdoctoral research at CSIRO Division of Plant Industry in Australia. He has also worked at Rothamsted Research and John Innes Centre in the UK. He was later a member of academic staff at the University of Edinburgh, becoming Head of the Institute of Molecular Plant Sciences. He moved to the University of Western Australia as an Australian Research Council Federation Fellow in 2005 and helped establish the ARC Centre of Exellence in Plant Energy Biology. His papers published in Nature (4), PNAS (5), Nature Communications, Nature Chemical Biology, Science Signalling, Plant Cell (3), Plant Journal (10), Plant Physiology (15), JBC (7), JXB (7), Development, Curr Biol; BMC Biology. Annual Reviews of Plant Biology (2), Trends in Plant Science (3) and Current Opinion in Plant Biology (2).